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My Achievements

Throughout my career, I have consistently delivered high-impact solutions and received recognition for my expertise.

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Reduced application page load time from 7 seconds to 0.5 seconds

Token Metrics is a crypto analytics platform that displays historical data of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, similar to a trading website. The website was initially slow, taking an average of 7 seconds to load the page and data. I redesigned and optimized the system architecture, introducing caching at different levels, including server-side and client-side caching, as well as request-level caching. As a result, the page now loads in about half a second (0.5 seconds).

related projectReduced application page load time from 7 seconds to 0.5 seconds

Developed a robust End-to-End automation testing framework (Acquired by ChangeHealthcare) was in need of an end-to-end testing framework that could test their medical imaging web app across different browsers and devices. I developed a robust automation testing framework using Cypress, JMeter, etc. The framework was able to test the application across different browsers and devices, ensuring that the application was bug-free and user-friendly.

related projectDeveloped a robust End-to-End automation testing framework

Built NFT Minting page in record time

Token Metrics build an NFT called Astrobot Society NFT, during the launch of NFT the team handling the minting page left and they brought me in to build the whole NFT minting page from scratch withing few days. I build the whole minting page with all the functionalities and security measures in record time.

related projectBuilt NFT Minting page in record time

Built and Optimized big data ETL data representation engine

I took on an ETL representation project that was initially very slow and unresponsive due to the large volume of data being handled by the browser, which couldn't manage it effectively. I optimized the UI to load quickly by implementing a lazy loading mechanism for the remaining data. To achieve this, I developed a custom framework, significantly improving the performance and responsiveness of the application.

related projectBuilt and Optimized big data ETL data representation engine

Created custom server for obsolete medical device protocol

During the initial phase of my career, when I had only one year of experience, I was assigned a project to retrieve data from a medical device. The device was very old, and the company that manufactured it was no longer in business, leaving no documentation available. I utilized Burp Suite to analyze the data being sent by the device and created a server based on the obsolete protocol it used. As a result, the device successfully connected to the server, allowing us to access the data stored within it.

related projectCreated custom server for obsolete medical device

Created AI Model to parse bank statement PDFs for bank

"Cointribe" was developing a fintech product designed to parse customer bank statements and generate insights for banks or financial institutions. The project was initially handled by a different team that was unable to achieve the desired results. When I joined the project, I developed an AI model capable of parsing any type of bank statement within three months.

related projectCreated AI Model to parse bank statement PDFs for bank

Created Scalable infrastructure while reducing cost for one of the insurance tech provider

WIMWIsure, an insurtech startup, had big data and heavy traffic, but their infrastructure was struggling to handle it, causing cloud costs to rise daily. I was brought on to reduce costs and stabilize the infrastructure. I introduced Docker and Kubernetes, improved auto scalability, defragmented the database, and performed optimizations to reduce overall costs. After these optimizations, the company experienced a 90% increase in uptime and a 40% reduction in costs.

related projectCreated Scalable infrastructure while reducing cost for one of the insurance tech provider

Built architecture to send millions of email per day

While I contributed significantly to "" version 2, my biggest achievement was enabling the platform to send millions of emails per day. was struggling with this issue, so I introduced AMQP and RabbitMQ to solve the problem. This allowed them to scale from thousands to millions of emails per day.

related projectBuilt architecture to send millions of email per day

Built online video classes solution for one of education provider

Skugal wanted to upgrade their online classes product, which previously used Google Meet. I was brought on to create a group video call service that could scale with the increasing number of students per class while maintaining video and audio quality. The product also included virtual reality features like a built-in smart class. I successfully built the product within six months.

related projectBuilt online video classes solution for one of education provider

Built Whatsapp bot for school ERP platform needed a solution that would eliminate the need for parents to download any app. They wanted to remove the parent app altogether. I introduced a WhatsApp bot and built it in just one week. Now, parents receive student notifications on WhatsApp and can use it to ask for fees, pay fees online, get results, and more.

related projectBuilt Whatsapp bot for school ERP platform

Your challenges/ideas are waiting to be solved

Got a tough problem or a groundbreaking idea? I'm here to tackle it head-on. With expertise across multiple technologies and a knack for solving complex issues swiftly, your challenges are just waiting to be turned into success stories. Let's innovate together and bring your ideas to life.

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50+ Projects delivered for multiple organisations and individuals

Change Healthcare
Mantra Labs
Token Metrics


What’s Our Customer Say

Vinay is a phenomenal developer. He took our complex project and delivered it with exceptional speed and precision. His expertise in NextJS and NodeJS is unmatched, and he consistently exceeded our expectations.
Veera Buddhi

Veera Buddhi

CTO, Token Metrics
We faced numerous challenges with our previous development team, but Vinay came in and transformed everything. He not only solved our complex issues quickly but also optimized our system for better performance. His dedication and skill are truly impressive.
Anita Sharma

Anita Sharma

Engineering Manager, Mantra Labs
We had a highly intricate project involving multiple technologies, and Vinay handled it with ease. His speed and accuracy in delivering solutions are remarkable. He is an all-rounder who can tackle any challenge thrown his way.
Rahul Matharu

Rahul Matharu

CEO, Handysolver
Vinay's expertise in DevOps and cloud solutions was evident from the start. He streamlined our deployment process and resolved complex issues with incredible speed. Our team was amazed by his problem-solving abilities and technical prowess.
Priya Menon

Priya Menon

Project Manager
Vinay's ability to deliver complex solutions quickly and efficiently is unmatched. He transformed our project, addressing every challenge with ease and improving our overall system performance. His speed and skill are truly commendable.
David Lee

David Lee

Working with Vinay was a game-changer for us. He tackled our complex development requirements with speed and precision, delivering outstanding results. His expertise and ability to solve problems quickly made a significant difference for our project.
Sneha Patel

Sneha Patel

Vinay's ability to handle complex projects effortlessly is astounding. He significantly improved our application's load time from 6 seconds to under 1 second. His quick and efficient work saved us time and resources. Highly recommended!
Ian Balina

Ian Balina

CEO, Token Metrics

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"Vinay can deliver faster no matter the complexity of task" - one of my CTO.